Krampusnacht in Greenview

Krampus is coming! Grab your horns and join us on December 18 from 5 pm - 10 pm for a night of spooky celebrations and holiday libations!

Greenview Industrial presents Krampusnacht at Barbecues Galore, complete with live music and DJ’s, food trucks, delicious cocktails and beers, fire pits, a Krampus photo booth & card sale, and a Krampus costume contest with $1000 in prizes to be won!

Krampusnacht Event Overview

Date: Saturday, December 18 from 5 pm - 10 pm

Location: 3515 Edmonton Trail NE in the Barbecues Galore parking lot. Please park along 35th Avenue NE

Cost: This is a free event, hosted by the Greenview Industrial BIA.

This is an all-weather event - please bring warm clothes and be prepared for the weather.

Proof of vaccination and a piece of government issue ID are required upon entry.

This is a free, family-friendly event. Please be aware that Krampus can be scary for younger family members.